Finally, it was my turn and I told the secretary I was looking for Lydia Brown, that we were here for the soccer camp. It took me half the day today to get used to saying "futbol." It's easy in spanish because its a spanish word but here they speak english so it doesn't come out naturally at all.
People in San Mateo use whatever they can get their hands on to fill in the swamp that there homes are built on. So there is trash everywhere- used as filling. Once it gets to be enough then they will put some sand over it. In the past few years there has been a lot of effort put into the roads in San Mateo. When I first got here, there were barely any roads at all and the majority of people used planks to get to the houses. Now, there are main roads throughout the entire neighborhood (still lots of planks, but now also lots of roads). It's great for the people in San Mateo to get around but it also creates a lot of problems with sitting water. With the roads containing a lot of the water from the main
swamp, it is increasingly becoming fresh water. With that, there has been a huge spike in bacteria growth and a lot of the things that are getting transmitted to the children. Lydia said that the kids have been coming sick into school a lot with all kinds of things. Walking through San Mateo never fails to shock my system. Even after I've been coming down here for 4 years. It was also great for the volunteers to see the disparity in conditions from San Mateo to what the average tourist experience (like where we are staying).
After the tour the new volunteers went to the Cafeteria, while the veteran volunteers went to check out the field. It was supposed to be cleared but Lydia notified me that she had not yet heard back from the guy who was supposed to do it! Oh no! When we got there it was completely overgrown. We had very few areas that were even close to playable... as in, they weren't over grown as much. We figured out how to make it work for today and then head back to the school. After meeting up with the other volunteers we started our rounds in the classrooms!
"Good Morning Everyone! My name is Coach Ali and we are with More Than Futbol, a futbol camp that we will be having after school EVERY DAY this week! We are going to learn some awesome new skills and play some really fun games and WE WOULD LOVE if you would all come out and play with us after school today!" I then had all of the coaches introduce themselves and then told the kids where to meet us and that we couldn't wait to see them after school! Repeat x 10 classrooms and to the lunch hall... we reached all 440 students at the school.
Once all of the gear was ready to go, we went back into town for lunch to My Secret Deli. Oh yeah. This is one of the BEST spots on the island. Great food, great smoothies. It's one of those special places that looks unassuming from the outside but makes incredible food. I was a little worried because, although Secret Deli is one of the best spots on the island, it takes them a long time to get food out. I asked the owner, "If we order quesadillas, how long will that take?" and he said, "at least an hour." Well jeez, quesadillas are so easy to make. This isn't good. Then he suggested the food in green writing on the menu. Turns out they have a whole section of stewed/slow cooked food that comes with beans and rice. Sounds like a plan. We ordered all of our meals quickly, food came out quickly, was SUPER delicious, and we paid up and were out of the restaurant in an under an hour! We even ordered the delicious, chalice-cup smoothies!
After lunch, we had 20 minutes before we had to be at the school so we walked down to the beach, enjoyed some sea breeze and then started back up to the school. We got all of the gear out and got ready for the "Infant" Classes to get out of school. "Infant 1" and "Infant 2" are equivalent to 1st and 2nd grade in the US and they get out of school at 1:45, an hour before all of the older grades. Once school was over, the kids trickled out and came straight over to the field. First we had 4, then 8, and then they continued to multiply. In the past, we have done a coach or 2 with a group of kids but today we changed it around and put 2 or 3 kids with each coach. This worked out fantastic. The kids got a lot of attention, all of the coaches were engaged, and everyone had a great time! After about 25 minutes of working with the kids in small groups, we broke them up in 2 teams and played a scrimmage.
The coaches went to their respective stations and before we knew it the size of camp doubled as kids started to trickle in. Many of them ran home to ask their parents if they could come before arriving at the field. This is part of the deal in Belize- you HAVE to be able to improvise. You HAVE to be able to go with the flow and adapt. At the same time, you HAVE to be patient in introducing drills. Expect the kids to have varying levels of focus. Expect the groups to have 1 or 2 kids that act out. That's why there is help from your coaching partner or, help from Coach Ali. I am so used to working with kids and managing various behavior issues over the last 10 years that I have no problem dealing with a kid who is misbehaving our causing their group trouble. If they look like they are upset, I come down to their level. If they look like they are trying to act big and tough, then I stand up and tower over them as I talk. I always start by reiterating the rules, then asking them what happened, then talking about how to handle the situation better. Usually, they respond well and then return to the group functioning better. If they are not responding well to our conversation then I will draw a hard line, reiterate the rules one more time, and tell them that we can't allow them to participate if they continue to disrupt their group. They key is not getting upset or frustrated, but maintaining a firm, stern, attitude without emotion.
Coach Phil and Luke took the shooting station, Coach Dave took the possession station, Coach Nikki took the skills station, and Coach Mel and Krista took the teamwork station. The focus in all of the groups is Teamwork. This week, we really want to focus on teaching the kids how to work together. With the many hardships they face in life, it is so important for them to be able to support one another, be a good friend, and be strong for the situations that they find themselves up against. We focus on all of these concepts and especially teaching a sense of self-worth to the kids through encouragement and building their confidence.
The kids were doing well, a little rowdy, but generally doing well. About halfway through, when the kids were getting thirsty, we started doing water bottles. I wrote every name on every water bottle to make sure that we didn't have any repeat customers. Once one group got their water bottles, it wasn't long before everyone was crowding around trying to get a water bottle. I was worried that this was going to disrupt the flow of camp but once we sent everyone back out with their groups to the next station, it seemed to improve camp. The kids were paying very good attention and working hard on all of their stations. Seemed to be a much needed break.
We played for about 20 more minutes at our stations and then stopped for a scrimmage. We had a boys scrimmage and a girl scrimmage. The girls had less numbers so we just broke them up into 2

we broke them up into 3 teams. It was exciting to see the kids get all pumped up to play. What's most entertaining, however, is the competitive energy of all of the coaches! Scott had a team, Luke and Kevin had a team, and Dave had a team. Phil helped to referee/guard the swampy area of the field for the ball rolling into it. Nikki and Mel were with the girls. The girls have really started to take a liking to the female coaches and have become a little clingy, so we are going to keep them with Mel and Nikki for the rest of the week!
Once the game was over, we said some closing remarks and headed back to the condo. Everyone jumped into the pool and hung out around the pool for a couple hours. Once the group mobilized for dinner we walked down to our neighborhood friendly restaurant- Lone Star Grill. This is owned by Marc Unger and his wife who have been great advocates for the More Than Futbol program on the island. They help promote it with the local retirees and they also help us house our gear. We are planning to start a league on the island for the kids to participate. Until we get the details smoothed out, I need someone to hold onto the equipment for me! Marc has graciously offered to do so! It's so nice having a positive connection on the island who is a little independent from the politics and the school. Marc and his wife are retired Boston Police and moved to the island a few years ago. They have been a very reliable and trustworthy source for us throughout our trips here on the island. Not to mention, Lone Star Grille has GREAT food!
We also talked about having a dance competition between Zach and Katie- a dance-off. Set to go off on Friday night. Katie will be coached up by the 5 female coaches and Zach will be coached up by the 5 male coaches!
After dinner, we headed back to the condo where I sat down to write the blog and all the guys went out to go night fishing on the pier.
Tomorrow we have the morning free and after a long day today, I bet that all of the coaches will just relax by the pool, go fishing or play corn hole in the morning. I anticipate a low-key morning tomorrow before we leave for the school at 1:00.
But for now... I'm hitting the sack!
Thank you to everyone for following the blog!
Good night from Belize!
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