Lazy morning… check!

I woke up to CLEAN LAUNDRY! Yesterday I sent all of my dirty laundry from Nicaragua out to be cleaned and the lady brought it back this morning before I woke up! I was just about to run out of clothes completely! Yay!
After I woke up, I made some breakfast and relaxed, then did some yoga out by the pool while Caitlin did some laps in the pool! When the rain started, I moved under the pavilion to finish up. I really hoped the rain would stop before camp started!

After lunch, we headed over to the school and shortly after we arrived our first wave of little kids came out for the 1:45 session! Our 5-7 year olds are sooooo cute. They ran straight out of school and straight over to us! We had 2 games set up side by side (since we had too many kids to play 1) and we played the fun shooting game where after you shoot you become the goalie! The kids loved it. Then we broke the kids up into 3 teams of about 7/8 each and played a version of world cup where the first team to 10 goals wins! Coach Kevin, Scott, and Caitlin were all in charge of a team and Coach Luke played goalie. It was a hard fought game with Coach Scott's team in the lead, when Coach Caitlin's team came from behind to capture the surprise win!

We wrapped up with a few minutes to spare before the older group was dismissed at 2:45. The coaches formed the long chain leading the kids to the field and Scott and I went over to set things up. Caitlin ran 1v1 attacking, Scott did dribbling "turns", Luke and Kevin played a really fun shooting game, and Deb and Cille did a great team building exercise!

The kids had a great time and really responded well again today to all of the coaches with good attention, good attitudes, and a good fun time! They were trying to do all of the new things they learned from the drill in the scrimmage at the end and were so excited to tell us when they did! Once kid came up to me and said, "Coach Ali, I did the Cruyff 4 times during our game today!" I asked, "Did it work for you?" and he said, "yes it worked great!" Unfortunately we had to end a few minutes early because you could see the wall of rain coming towards us over the ocean! We wanted to make sure the kids had a few minutes to run home before the rain got really bad! Good timing too, because we were golf carting home in the rain!

After we got home and showered up we headed into town to Waruguma and got some lobster burritos and lobster kabobs! It was DELICIOUS. We walked through town after dinner and saw my good friend Paulina! Paulina was one of my first friends on the island and we have kept in touch year round since my first trip to Belize! I snuck up behind her and surprised her! After talking for a while we walked up to grab some ice cream and then went home for the night!
2 days down, 3 to go and praying for good weather tomorrow- there's a 50% chance of rain and if it does rain then most of the kids will have to go home right after school! Cross your fingers for us!
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