Anyways, this bird was as piercing as it comes with a sound that I didn't even know existed. So I woke up around 6:30am this morning. Awesome. (Sarcasm). So I laid in bed a while and then made it up to the school aroudn 8:45 to get ready for the 9:00 soccer practice. 9am and 2 people are there. 9:15 the coach roles up. 9:25 we actually start. Belize time. Finally, we get practice started and I taught the boys a few moves and did some drills to work on it and then how to properly shoot and then a fun shooting game, world cup, and a scrimmage. Periodically, throughout practice a player would go and just sit down or walk away because they didn't feel like practicing. hmm. For the most part they were all having a good time, didn't want to stop, and were disappointed when practice was over.
After practice I met some of the boys that go to the school and are around 5 years old. One of these boys, Ronan, just started juggling and doing all of these tricks... it was amazing! After a little bit I made my way back to my hotel and went to get some food. I found an amazing breakfast place, grabbed a bite to eat and then came back and got ready to go for a run. I didn't make it farther than reef adventures. Keedall was there and we hung out for a while, he introduced me to some of the friends on his team. Finally, an hour later I started to run. On Belize time, remember? A great run to the end of the beach, through the town, and back.
Once we got all of the luggage back to the room, Justin got organized and then it was time to meet Kathy and Liza! I went to meet them at the boat and there they were! They decided to take a plane and got there a little earlier! Perfect!
We were all hungry and went to get some food at Wura-something which had all fresh seafood in burritos and papusas and regular plates of food. It was great! We walked back along the center square of town so that everyone could see the jewelery stands and then headed back to the hotel. Justin and I cleaned up a little and then went to check out the local scene on a Saturday night starting at Wet Willy's. Wet Willy's was a very cool bar with some very nice people who talked up a storm! Love talking to all the people out here. The owner at Wet Willy's moved here 7 years ago and is never going back. Same ol' story on this island.
Well, the day is at a close, we are smoked and ready to have a great day tomorrow. The school is closed so we have the day off and are going diving at Ho Chen (a popular dive site) and then we are going snorkeling at Shark Ray Alley so we'll probably have some awesome pictures for tomorrow! They feed the sharks and mana rays there!
It's amazing that we can do our work in the Holy Cross community and have this amazing island experience at the same time.
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